Thursday, March 10, 2016


The objective of the study is to investigate the public investment effect on private sector investment. Using the flexible accelerator model with annual data for the period 1970-2006, this study considered the roles of certain government policy instruments such as public investment, exchange rate and the availability of credit to private sector. The econometric approach addressed the problem of spurious regression by testing the variables for stationarity. The Engle-Granger cointegration test was also performed to determine the long-term relationship between variables. Lastly, this study presented the Engle-Granger error correction model to capture the short-run dynamics of private investment.

The results obtained from the error correction model showed that current public investment had a negative and significant effect on private investment. The coefficient suggested that increasing public investment by 10 percent will decrease private investment by 2.5 percent in the same period. However, when public investment was lagged one period it showed a positive and significant impact on private investment. The coefficient indicated that increasing public investment by 10 percent will increase private investment by 2.8 percent within one year. The control variables, expected output, credit to private sector and the real exchange rate, showed a positive and significant effect on private investment.
Keywords: Private Investment, Public Investment, Crowding-Out, IndonesiaError Correction Model (ECM), Engle-Granger cointegration

1. Background
The production function states that capital and labor are the two most important factors of economic output. Increasing the amount of labor and capital and technology improvement will increase economic growth. In developing countries, capital’s share of output is relatively low. In developed countries capital’s share of output is around one third but in developing countries it is lower than that. Therefore, increasing capital’s share of output through investment in developing countries can accelerate economic growth. In the long run investment plays an important role in economic growth. However, in the short run, investment is the most volatile component of GDP.

Capital investment decisions can be taken by both the private and public sectors. Productive investment by the private sector can promote economic growth. Private investment not only provides many kinds of products and services for consumers but also creates many opportunities for entrepreneurs to expand their business. Moreover, private investment is vital for reducing poverty by creating jobs for many people. Finally, the government benefits from private investment through tax payments. The government is supposed to use money from tax revenues to finance strategic public expenditures such as infrastructure, education, and health.

Private investment decisions are affected by many factors including government policy on fiscal and monetary matters. The government plays a central role in the economy and there is much debate about whether that role should expand, contract, or stay the same. The main rationale for government intervention in the economy is market failure which means that market economy fails to allocate scarce resources to the most efficient outcome. On the other hand, government failure can also happen if government policy fails to correct inefficiency in the market.

Many people believe that private investment is more productive and efficient than public investment. Private investment decision-making is based on the profit motive. Investment decisions are made after considering many factors such opportunities, competition, costs, risk, and return. On the other hand, public investment is motivated by social welfare objectives. Social benefits and cost analysis dominate in public investment decisions. In addition, private investment is more sustainable than government investment as a source of economic dynamism. Governments have limited sources to finance their investments. To achieve certain economic growth, capital formation at certain levels has to be achieved. Private investment has to fill the gap between the desired and actual investment already undertaken by government investment.

Investment decisions taken by government generally are to provide public goods. The private sector generally is not interested in providing public goods because public goods are not commercially feasible. So, public goods provision is also a rationale for government intervention. The government also provides public goods indirectly through state-owned enterprises. If the government provides appropriate public goods such as infrastructure in efficient way, the investment will have a positive impact on the private sector. Otherwise, it will crowd out private investment. Competition over economic resources between private and public sectors to finance their investments tends to crowd out the private sector.

Private investment is vital for promoting economic growth and reducing poverty. So understanding the factors that determine private investment becomes a top priority for policy makers in formulating policies to stimulate private sector development so that high economic growth can be achieved and poverty can be reduced in Indonesia.

2. Problem Statement
Private investment is very crucial for economic growth so that knowing economic factors that determine private investment is very important for policy makers to formulate policies to encourage private investment and achieve high economic growth, and reduce poverty.

The expected results of this analysis are the answers to the following research question: Has one unit of additional investment by government or public sector reduced or increased private investment in the recent past?

3. Objectives
The objective of this paper is to construct a private investment model for Indonesia, to look into the determinants of private investment in Indonesia with a main focus on the effect of public investment, the availability of credit, and the exchange rate, and to provide policy recommendations based on the empirical findings in order to stimulate private investment in Indonesia.

4. Scope and Limitations
Private investment is a wide subject and this paper intends to investigate the determinants of gross fixed private investment in Indonesia, focusing on public investment and other factors such as the availability of credit, and the exchange rate. The investigation period is from 1970 to 2006.

5. Organization
This paper is organized into six parts. Part 1 is the introduction which presents what is going to be discussed in this paper. Part 2 provides some economic background on the Indonesian economy. The focus of this chapter is to review the development of private investment, public investment, and public policy on private investment. Part 3 is the literature review. This chapter discusses theoretical models of private investment determinants and reviews some previous studies on private investment determinants in developing countries. Part 4 provides information on data sources and methodology to test the private investment determinants model. Part 5 is the main part of the paper which presents the empirical results and analysis. Part 6 concludes the paper and provides some policy recommendations.

1. Investment Trend
Figure 2.1 shows the development of real gross fixed capital formation as total investment, with private investment and public investment shown separately in billion rupiah (constant 2000 prices) for the period 1970-2006. The gap between private and public investment was not large until the 1980s.  However, after the government introduced its deregulation policy in 1983 and economic reform in 1986, the difference became larger. The private sector became more dominant as an engine of economic growth. Both total investment and private investment reached a peak in 1997 at Rp431.2 and Rp359.2 trillion, respectively. After the Asian crisis, investment took some time to recover from pre-crisis level. In 2002 public investment attained the pre-crisis level although in 2005 it declined again and was restored to a level higher than pre-crisis level in 2006.

Figure 2.1 Real Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF), Real Private Investment (PI) and Real Public Investment (GI) (billions Rp constant 2000 prices)
Source: Central Statistics Agency, Ikhsan and Basri (1991), Everhart and Sumlinski (2001), and World Bank (2007).

Table 2.1 shows the average annual growth rate of real private and public investment for some specific periods. For the period 1970-1979 average annual total real investment growth was 13%. The growth rate of real public investment was higher than that of private investment. Government investment was still dominant during the period because the government invested a large part of its oil revenues and foreign loans in development projects. However, since 1982 government retrenched the annual state budget and prioritized expenditures such as by reducing subsidies and cutting development project expenditures.

During the period 1980-1989 both economic and investment growth were slower than the previous period due to the economic recession in 1982 and the post oil boom era. In this period private investment grew faster than public investment. The higher growth of private investment was due to a decreasing government role in the economy. After the oil boom era was over, the government introduced several deregulation policies and economic reforms such as the cancellation of some development projects, banking and monetary liberalization in June 1983 to give freedom to state-owned banks to determine deposit and lending rates; national tax reform in 1984; and economic reforms in 1986.

For the 1990s excluding the Asian financial crisis years 1997-1999, private investment’s growth rate was still higher than that of public investment. The high growth of private investment was the result of deregulation and economic reform during the 1980s. However, if the crisis years are included in the calculation, private investment’s growth was negative but public investment was still positive. This suggests that public investment had a counter-cyclical effect.

Table 2.1 Average Annual Growth Rate
Rapid growth 1971-1981
Oil boom (1973-1982)
Adjustment to lower oil prices 1982-1986
Liberalization and recovery 1987-1996
Asian financial crisis (1997-1999)
Note: The formula for average annual growth rate is  where n is number of years in certain period, EV is value at the end of period and BV is value at the beginning of period. PI = Real Private Investment, GI = Real Public Investment, GFCF = Real Gross Fixed Capital Formation, and GDP = Real Gross Domestic Product.
Source: Central Statistic Agency, Ikhsan and Basri (1991), Everhart and Sumlinski (2001), World Bank (2007), and IMF International Financial Statistic.

Figure 2.2 shows total investment, private and public investment as percentage of GDP. The ratio of private investment to GDP fluctuated and reached a peak in 1997. During the Asian financial crisis, private investment fell to 15.5% and 11.1% in 1998 and 1999 respectively. Until 2006 the ratio was still lower than that before the crisis. On the other hand, public investment fluctuated less than private investment. Public investment peaked at 8.1% in 1982 and stabilized at around 5-7% of GDP.

Figure 2.2 Total Investment (GFCF), Private Investment (PI) and Public Investment (GI) as % of GDP
Note: Investment and GDP in real terms.
Source: Central Statistic Agency, Ikhsan and Basri (1991), Everhart and Sumlinski (2001), and World Bank (2007).

1. Investment Model
There are four broad types of investment models, as identified by Sakr (1993) and Ghura and Goodwin (2000). They are the accelerator model, the expected profit model, the neoclassical model, and Tobin’s q model.

The accelerator model was originally proposed by Clark (1917), and consists of two variants, the fixed and flexible accelerator models (Sakr 1993). The fixed accelerator model states that capital stock has a positive relationship with the level of output (aggregate demand) and investment is defined as , where  is the desired capital stock at time t,  is the actual capital stock at time t-1, andδis the rate of depreciation of the capital stock.

A slight variation, the flexible accelerator model, which was proposed by Goodwin (1951) and Chenery (1952), uses a partial adjustment mechanism (Valadkhani 2004). This model emphasizes that the desired capital increase does not occur immediately, but depends on the speed of adjustment, which is influenced by some observable variables such as government investment, domestic credit, and the real exchange rate (Sakr 1993). The flexible accelerator model is preferred for handling data limitation in developing countries (Ramirez, 1994).[1]

In the expected profit model, investment is determined by the profit motive as the incentive to invest (Sakr 1993).  This model states that the higher the expected profit level, the higher the investment level, because a firm has greater internally generated funds. According to Chirinko (1993), variables that reflect profits such as current profits, retained profits, output, price or sales can influence the level of investment.

The neoclassical approach which is formulated by Jorgenson (1963 and 1971), Hall-Jorgenson (1967) and Jorgensen-Siebert (1968) expresses the aggregate investment as the change in capital stock (the adjustment between current and the desired capital stock) and a function of the user cost of capital and output variable (Serven and Solimano 1989). The neoclassical model stresses on the importance of the user cost of capital variable as the implicit price that a firm has to pay to use capital goods to produce goods and services (Saxton 2002). The user of cost of capital depends on the capital asset price, the depreciation rate, the real interest rate, and tax (Saxton 2002).

The Tobin’s q investment model is associated with Tobin (1969). Tobin’s q is the ratio between the market value of capital stock and its replacement cost, and is the main factor that drives investment (Serven and Solimano 1989). Under Tobin’s q model, investment takes place if the share value increases higher than the replacement cost of physical capital (Sakr 1993). Applying Tobin’s q model to developing countries such as Indonesia is difficult because stock market valuations of firms’ fixed assets are non-existent, or even if they exist, they do not reflect the firms’ market value and future profitability (Shafik 1990).

The above models have been applied successfully in industrial countries. However, two problems will arise if we use those frameworks in developing countries: (1) some assumptions may not hold, such as maximization of rates of return by economic agents, the existence of perfect market for goods and well-developed financial markets, and little or no government interventions; and (2) a lack of data on the capital stock, real wages, and real financing rates for debt and equity (Greene and Villanueva 1991).

So, the application of the above model in developing countries needs some adjustments because some of the assumptions of the model are not applicable in developing countries. Hence, investment determinants in developing countries usually include particular factors such as public investment and the availability of financing as explanatory variables (Sakr 1993).

The relationship between public investment and private investment could be complementary or competitive (Chhibber and Dailami 1990). If public investment expenditures result in the provision of public goods/services that reduce the cost of production of the private sector, they will have a positive effect on private investment. Public investment expenditures also raise aggregate demand and increase capacity utilization in the private sector. On the other hand, public investment expenditures can crowd out private investment in the competition for limited financial resources. In developing countries, the private sector depends highly on debt capital, particularly bank loans, so financial crowding out is more serious (Chhibber and Dailami 1990).

The empirical study of the relationship between public investment and private investment is still not conclusive. It depends on observation periods and countries. Sundararajan and Thakur (1980) use a combination of neoclassical and accelerator theories to elicit different results between India and Korea. In India, government investment has a positive effect on private investment in the long run but in the short run it crowds out private investment. On the other hand, in Korea, government investment has a positive effect on private investment both in the long run and in the short run. A study by Wai and Wong (1992) in Greece, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, and Thailand shows inconclusive result. Using a modified version of the flexible accelerator theory, they find that government investment has a positive and significant effect on private investment only in Greece, but insignificance effect for other countries (Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, and Thailand).

Blejer and Khan (1984) use the flexible accelerator model to determine the effect of government policy on private investment. The result shows that increasing government investment tends to decrease private investment in the short run but has no effect in the long run.

Chhibber and van Wijnbergen (1988) use an accelerator model to study private investment determinants in Turkey for the period 1970-86. The four key variables as private investment determinants are capacity utilization, credit to the private sector, the effective cost of borrowing, and the composition of public investment. The findings show that capacity utilization and infrastructure have a positive effect but not significant. The real cost of borrowing and non-infrastructure have a negative and significant influence on private investment.

Cruz and Teixeira (1999) examine the impact of public investment on private investment in Brazil for the period 1947-1990, using an Engle-Granger error correction model. They find that in the short term the public investment crowds out private investment but in the long term it crowds in private investment.

Erden and Holcombe (2005) follow Blejer and Khan (1984) and Ramirez (1994)’s approach by using a flexible accelerator model to examine the effect of public investment on private investment in developing countries. Using a panel of 19 developing countries for the period 1982-1997, they find that public investment has a positive effect on private investment whereas for 12 industrial countries for the period 1982-1996, public investment has a negative impact on private investment.

This study constructs an empirical framework based on the flexible accelerator model to reflect the institutional and structural characteristics of Indonesia. The choice of the flexible accelerator model is based on the reasoning that there is no publication of capital stock series or reliable estimate for the rate of depreciation in Indonesia. The available data is gross investment which also includes depreciation. Furthermore, there are many economic distortions in Indonesia, although the Indonesian government has tried to reduce the distortions through certain deregulations, liberalization, and reforms in many sectors.

Regarding possible determinants of private investment, we limit ourselves to the variables which we consider being most relevant and whose data availability is not a serious problem. For example, we do not choose the real interest rate variable because 14 data points out of 37 sample observations are negative, which indicates financial repression. According to McKinnon (1973), if financial markets are in financially repressed conditions, the quantity of credit is more binding than the cost of credit.

1. Empirical Model
To estimate the flexible accelerator model, we follow Blejer and Khan (1984), Ramirez (1994) and Erden and Holcombe (2005) to capture the characteristics of developing countries like Indonesia. In the flexible accelerator model, it is assumed that the desired capital stock is proportional to the level of expected output


where  is the desired capital stock of the private sector in period t and  is the expected level of output in period t. The actual private capital stock does not adjust completely to reach the desired level due to technical constraints and the time needed for planning, deciding, building and installing new capital. Actual private capital stock adjusts to the difference between desired capital stock in period t and actual private capital stock in the previous period, so that we can specify a partial adjustment mechanism as follows

where  is actual private capital stock in period t and β is the coefficient of adjustment. The coefficient of adjustment in the equation captures the response of private investment to the gap between desired and actual investment. The coefficient is between 0 and 1, or. The β coefficient equal to 1 means adjust instantaneously to its desired level and no adjustment if the β coefficient equal to 0. The β coefficient of adjustment is also assumed to vary systematically with the economic factors that influence the ability of private investors to achieve the desired level of investment. We hypothesize that the response of private investment depends on public investment, the availability of credit to private sector, and real exchange rate.

Equation (4.2) can be rewritten as follows:


As private capital stock data in developing countries is not available, we use gross private investment instead of private capital stock. Theoretically, gross investment in the private sector is defined as being equal to net investment in the private sector plus depreciation of the previous capital stock. On the other hand, net investment in the private sector is defined as the difference between the actual stock of capital in period t and the actual stock in the previous period t-1.

where KPt – KPt-1 is net private investment, PIt is gross private investment and δ is depreciation rate of private capital stock.

In the standard lag-operator notation, equation (4.4) can be rewritten as:


where L is the lag operator,
Equation (4.5) can be rewritten:


Substituting equation (4.6) into equation (4.3), we get:


Equation (4.7) has an advantage that it does not require any information of actual capital stock and net private investment and can be estimated using available gross investment data.

We generalize this flexible accelerator model by adding some other variables that might also affect investment, such as public investment, credit to private sector, real exchange rate, and economic crisis. Adding these variables to equation (4.7) and using equation (4.1) we get:


where GIV is government investment, CPS refers to credit to private sector, REX denotes the real exchange rate and DUM is a dummy variable for economic crisis years that takes on a value of 1 for 1997-1999 and 0 for other years.

Equation (4.8) can be estimated after an unobservable variable  is somehow estimated. To estimate expected output , a common method is to fit an autoregressive process and produce predicted values. This study uses a second-order autoregressive process of real GDP for the period 1960-2006 as follows:

where  is real GDP and is dummy variable that takes on a value of 1 for 1997-1999 (economic crisis years) and 0 for other years.

2. Econometric Framework
The long-term relationship between economic variables is important because in the long-run all economic forces are in equilibrium (Harris and Sollis 2003). It is also important to distinguish between stationary and non-stationary variables. Stationary variables contain either no trend or deterministic (fixed) trends, while non-stationary variables contain stochastic (random) trends (Harris and Sollis 2003). Many economic time series variables are non-stationary and performing regression on non-stationary variables results in spurious regression, meaning that the regression result will have no economic meaning. However, it is possible to regress a non-stationary time series variable on others if these variables are cointegrated (Harris and Sollis 2003). This regression represents their long-run relationship (Harris and Sollis 2003).

Non-stationary variables have a unit root and testing for the presence of a unit root in variables is essential to determine the order of integration of variables. If the data has unit roots and the variables are integrated of the same order, the next step for testing cointegration is to estimate the long-run relationships. Using the Engle-Granger approach for testing cointegration, the residuals obtained from regression of the long-term relationship have to be tested for the presence of unit roots. Cointegration among variables will exist if the residuals are stationary or integrated of order zero, I(0). If the variables are cointegrated, an error correction model (ECM) must exist which contains both information on the long-run and the short-term characteristics of the model (Harris and Sollis 2003).

a. Testing for Unit Roots
Testing for unit roots is necessary to prevent spurious regression. According to Harris and Sollis (2003) “if a series must be differenced d times before it becomes stationary, then it contains d unit roots.” Unit root testing includes testing for the order of integration of the series. A notation means that a series is said to be integrated of order d (Harris and Sollis 2003).

Two commonly employed methods for unit root testing are Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) and Phillips-Perron (PP).  The three possible formulations of ADF unit root test that include three different combinations of the deterministic part are as follows (Pfaf 2006):
where  is the variable under consideration, T is time trend, and k is the number of lagged differences to capture any autocorrelation. If the value of ADF statistic is smaller (more negative) than its critical value, the null hypothesis of nonstationary is rejected.

On the other hand, according to Pfaff (2006) “Phillips-Perron test is a nonparametric test statistic that allows for weak dependence and heterogeneity of the error process.” There are also three possible specifications of the Phillips-Perron test as follows (Widarjono 2005):

If the value of PP statistic is smaller (more negative) than its critical value, the null hypothesis of nonstationary is rejected.

b. Cointegration
Engle and Granger (1987) introduce the concept of cointegration as follows: “If  is a vector of economic variables, long-run equilibrium occurs when
In most time periods, deviations from long-run equilibrium occur, and therefore;
Then, Engle and Granger (1987) present the formal definition of cointegration as follows: “The components of the vector are said to be cointegrated of order d, b, denoted by , if (1) all components of are integrated of order d or I(d); and (2) there exists a vector αsuch that .” The vector αis called the cointegrating vector (Enders 1995).

Cointegration concept has two essential characteristics. First, cointegration requires the variables have the same order of integration, and second, if there are N variables in the model, it is possible that the model has N-1 cointegrating vectors (Enders (1995) and Harris and Sollis (2003)). For example, if two series are both integrated of order one, I(1), there can be one cointegrating vector.

c. Engle-Granger Two-Step Procedure
Engle and Granger (1987) propose the two-step procedure to estimate the cointegrating vector αand to model the dynamic behavior of I(d) variables (Pfaff 2006). The Engle-Granger approach is used for testing cointegration in single equations (Harris and Sollis 2003). The first step of the procedure is to estimate the long-run relationship with variables in I(1) as follows:


where  is error term. If the residuals are stationary, the variables are cointegrated (Pfaff 2006) and the second step is to specify an error correction model (ECM).

3. Data
The data used in this study is annual data obtained from different sources. The sample is for the period 1970-2006. The period is selected because this is the period for which data is available. The unit of account of the data is in billions rupiah (national currency), except the real exchange rate is in units of national currency per US dollar.

Following Chhibber and van Wijnbergen (1988), Sakr (1993), Ramirez (1994), and Erden and Holcombe (2005), all variables are in real terms[2] and are expressed in natural logarithms. The reasons for expressing the variables in natural logarithms are that the estimated coefficients have an elasticity interpretation; a model with dependent variable in log form tends to follow the classical linear model assumptions; and a model in log form reduces the problem of outliers (Wooldridge 2006).

Data for nominal gross domestic product (GDP) was obtained from the IMF International Financial Statistics line 99b. Data for the GDP deflator was obtained from the IMF International Financial Statistics line 99bip. Real GDP was obtained by deflating nominal GDP with the GDP deflator. The source of gross fixed capital formation at 2000 constant price data is the Central Statistics Agency.

Data for public investment is from four sources.
1.      The data for the period 1970-1977 is from Ikhsan and Basri (1991). Data from this publication is government investment in 1983 constant prices. We have to adjust them to 2000 constant prices using CPI.
2.      The data for the period 1978-1985 is from Investment Analysis published by Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS 1988). Data is in current prices and has to be adjusted to 2000 constant prices using CPI.
3.      For the period 1986-1999, the series are from Everhart and Sumlinski (2001). Data is presented in terms of percentage of current price GDP. To get current price of public investment, we multiply the percentage by current price GDP. To get the real public investment, we adjust them by deflating with CPI.
4.      Data for the last period 2000-2006 is compiled from the World Bank report’s Indonesia Public Expenditures Review 2007.
Data for public investment 1978-2006 consist of central and local governments and SOE investment.

To measure private investment, this study follows the approach of Everhart and Sumlinski (2001). Gross fixed capital formation in national accounts usually is not divided into private and public sector. In this study, public investment includes the development (capital) expenditures of the central government and local governments and the capital expenditures of the state-owned enterprises. Private investment is obtained by subtracting public investment from gross fixed capital formation.

To obtain real expected output we follow the approach of Blejer and Khan (1984), Ramirez (1994) and Erden and Holcombe (2005). To proxy unobservable expected output, the common practice is to fit an autoregressive process. Predicted values from the process are the expected output. Due to data limitation (annual data), the possible process is a second-order autoregressive model of the real GDP for the period 1960-2006:


where dum is a dummy variable to capture the economic crises years that takes on a value of 1 for 1997-1999 and 0 for other years.

Data for banking credit to private sector was obtained from Bank Indonesia. This nominal banking credit to private sector was deflated by CPI to obtain real banking credit to the private sector.

Following Ramirez (1994), Ribeiro and Teixeira (2001), and Erden and Holcombe (2005), the real exchange rate is domestic currency (rupiah) nominal exchange rate against the US dollar inflated by the US CPI and deflated by the Indonesian price levels. The real exchange rate is computed based on the bilateral exchange rate between the rupiah and US dollar. Theoretically, the best indicator is the real effective exchange rate. However, due to data limitation this study uses the bilateral exchange rate. A nominal exchange rate was obtained from the IMF International Financial Statistics line ae (market rate, rupiah per US dollar, end of period). Data for Indonesian consumer prices index (CPI) was obtained from the IMF International Financial Statistics line 64 (2000 = 100, period averages). Data for the Unites States CPI was obtained from the IMF International Financial Statistics line 64 (2000 = 100, period averages).

The depreciation rate (δ)of the private capital stock is assumed to be 5%. It is arbitrarily chosen following the studies of Blejer and Khan (1984), Ikhsan and Basri (1991), Ramirez (1994), and Erden and Holcombe (2005).

There are four steps in applying the Engle-Granger procedures (Enders 1995):
1.      Testing the variables for their order of integration (unit root test)
2.      Estimating the long-run equilibrium relationship
3.      Estimating the error-correction model
4.      Testing the model adequacy.

1. Unit Root Tests
Unit root testing is necessary to determine the order of integration. According to the Engle-Granger definition, cointegration requires that the variables be integrated of the same order.
Two common methods to determine the number of unit roots are the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test and the Phillips-Perron (PP) test.

a. Augmented Dickey- Fuller Test
The ADF test includes some lags of dependent variables to eliminate serial correlation from the error terms. Choosing the optimal lag length for the ADF test for a small sample is rather difficult. Too many lags will cause the losing of a degree of freedom and too few lags will cause the test to be incorrect (Wooldridge 2006). For annual data, Wooldridge (2006) suggest using one or two lags. Alternatively, choosing the optimal lag length can be based on the information criterion. In this study, the optimal lag length that minimizes the value of the information criteria is used. Diebold (2007) recommends using Schwarz information criteria (SIC) to select a parsimonious model.

Table 5.1 shows the result of the ADF test together. The figures are the ADF statistics. If the ADF statistic is smaller than the critical values at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels; the variables are stationary. The ADF statistics in Table 1 indicate the null hypothesis of nonstationary fails to be rejected if the variables are in levels, although public investment is found to be stationary when only a constant is included in the test regression model. But when the series are in first-differenced the null hypothesis is rejected for all variables, which suggests that we can assume all variables are integrated of order one.

b. Phillips-Perron Test
To confirm the stationarity test results from ADF, the Phillips-Perron (PP) test is conducted. The figures are the PP statistics. If the PP statistics are smaller than the critical values at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels; the variables are stationary. The PP test results are presented in Table 5.2 and the test generally confirms the ADF test results, although public investment is found to be stationary when only a constant is included in the test regression model.

Based on the ADF and PP tests and to avoid the tendency to over-reject (under-reject) the null hypothesis of nonstationary when it is true (false) (Harris and Sollis 2003), it is safe to say that the variables are integrated of order one, I(1).

Table 5.1 Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test Results
Unit-root tests at levels
Constant and Trend
Real private inv.
-1.878 (0)
-2.065 (0)
2.647 (0)
Real expected output
-2.001 (0)
-1.454 (0)
7.0533 (0)
Real public inv.
-2.905*** (0)
-2.405 (0)
2.489 (0)
Real credit
-0.955 (0)
-1.314 (0)
1.700 (0)
Real exchange rate
-1.057 (0)
-2.457 (0)
0.490 (0)
Unit-root tests at first differences
Constant and Trend
ΔReal private inv.
-5.377*** (1)
-5.576*** (1)
ΔRealexpected output
-5.008*** (0)
-5.487*** (0)
-2.614** (0)
ΔReal public inv.
-6.130*** (0)
-6.825*** (0)
-5.216*** (0)
ΔReal credit
-4.670*** (0)
-4.624*** (0)
-4.424*** (0)
ΔReal exchange rate
-5.567*** (0)
-4.840*** (1)
-5.621*** (0)
-          ***, **, and * denote significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% level respectively and the rejection of the null hypothesis of nonstationarity.
-          Figures in parentheses are automatic selection of lag length based on the Schwarz information criterion (SIC), computed by EViews 5.0 with maximum lag = 9.
-          All variables are expressed in natural logarithms.

Table 5.2 Phillips-Perron Test Results
Unit-root tests at levels
Constant and Trend
Real private inv.
-1.878 (0)
-2.065 (0)
2.647 (0)
Real expected output
-2.000 (0)
-1.454 (0)
7.053 (0)
Real public inv.
-2.905* (0)
-2.405 (0)
2.489 (0)
Real credit
-0.955 (0)
-1.314 (0)
1.700 (0)
Real exchange rate
-1.057 (0)
-2.457 (0)
0.490 (0)
Unit-root tests at first differences
Constant and Trend
ΔReal private inv.
-5.711*** (0)
-5.955*** (1)
-4.500*** (0)
ΔReal expected output
-5.010*** (0)
-5.487*** (0)
-2.614** (0)
ΔReal public inv.
-6.130*** (0)
-6.825*** (0)
-5.216*** (0)
ΔReal credit
-4.670*** (0)
-4.624*** (0)
-4.424*** (0)
ΔReal exchange rate
-5.567*** (0)
-5.835*** (1)
-5.621*** (0)
-          ***, **, and * denote significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% level respectively and the rejection of the null hypothesis of non-stationarity.
-          Figures in parentheses are automatic lag length selection based on the Schwarz information criterion (SIC) using autoregressive OLS spectral estimation method, computed by EViews 5.0 with maximum lag = 9.
-          All variables are expressed in natural logarithms.

2. Estimating the Long-Run Equilibrium Relationship
After testing for stationarity and finding that the data series are stationary at first-difference, the next step is testing for cointegration among I(1) variables in order to determine their long-run relationship. The cointegration technique uses OLS to estimate the cointegration regression with the following specification:

Equation (5.8) is regressed at level and the residuals are tested for stationarity. The advantage of cointegration technique is that even if the data series are not stationary at level, the regression at level is still valid in order to determine the equilibrium (long-run) relationship among the nonstationary time series variables because the superconsistency property states that when the series are cointegrated, the OLS estimator of nonstationary variables will approach its true values faster than the OLS with stationary variables (Harris and Sollis 2003).

Estimating the long-term relationship by running an OLS regression and obtaining the residuals for unit root testing is called the first step in Engle-Granger two-step procedures. The null hypothesis for residuals testing is  against the alternative that (Harris and Sollis 2003). The Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test without constant and trend terms is used to test the stationarity of residuals (Enders 1995). If we can reject the null hypothesis that the residuals series contains a unit root, we can reject the hypothesis that the variables are not cointegrated (Enders 1995). If the variables are cointegrated, the coefficient estimates from the level regression represents the long-run relationship (Shafik 1992).

Table 5.3 shows the results of estimating the long-run relationship between private investment and the relevant regressors. The signs of the coefficient are consistent with the theoretical expectations. The accelerator effect is captured by the coefficient of the expected real GDP and as expected, it has the correct sign for the all models.

The sign of the coefficient of real public investment is positive in all models. This result is consistent with most of the empirical result in the literature and the similar result by Ikhsan and Basri (1991) in the context of Indonesia.

The relationship between private investment and financial policy is measured by the banking credit to the private sector. The coefficient of credit to the private sector shows a positive effect on private investment, indicating that the availability of credit is important determinant of private investment. This finding is in line with results found by Ramirez (1994) in the context of Mexico.

Real exchange rate has a positive effect on real private investment in Model (3), implying that exchange rate depreciation has increased the competitiveness of the Indonesian export product.  This result confirms a similar result by Ikhsan and Basri (1991). Depreciation in the real exchange rate has a positive impact on private investment because after the oil boom period ended, Indonesia focused on a strategy to promote export-oriented investment (Hofman, Zhao and Ishihara 2007). Indonesian exchange rate management policy is an effective tool for maintaining competitiveness and encouraging private investment through regular and major depreciations in 1978, 1983, 1986 and a free-floating in 1997.

The negative coefficient for the dummy variable indicates that economic crisis had a negative impact on private investment.

To determine a long-term relationship between the variables, the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test is applied to the residuals. If the ADF statistic is smaller than the critical values at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels; the residuals are stationary. The ADF statistics in Table 5.3 indicate the rejection of the null hypothesis of unit root in the residuals, implying that the variables in the model are cointegrated or have long-term relationships. This also means that the variation in private investment can be explained by the relevant variables (Ramirez 1994).

The coefficient of the variables in the accelerator model in logarithmic term has an interesting interpretation as elasticity (Ramirez 1994). From Model (3), the coefficient of the twice-lagged public investment suggests that, ceteris paribus, increasing public investment by 10 percent will increase private investment by 2.4 percent within two years.

The coefficients of adjustment () are calculated by subtracting the coefficient of lagged private investment from 1. For Model (1) the coefficient of adjustment is .36 (1 - .64), meaning that 36% of the adjustment of actual investment to its desired level occurs in one year.

Table 5.3 Determinants of Private Investment: Level Regressions – Public Investment
Dependent Variable: Real Private Investment
Independent Variables:
Expected real GDP*
Lagged real private investment
Real public investment
Lagged real public investment
Twice-lagged real public investment
Real credit to private sector
Real exchange rate
Dummy for economic crisis years
Adjusted R2
ADF statistics for residuals (1% significance level)
Coefficients of adjustment
-          Figures in parentheses are t-statistics.
-          * Expected real GDP =  where depreciation rate () is chosen to be 5 percent. is the predicted values obtained from estimating a second-order autoregressive.
-          All variables are expressed in natural logarithms.

3. Estimating the Error Correction Model
Table 5.3 shows that the relevant variables in explaining the variation in private investment are cointegrated. So, the residuals from the equilibrium regression can be used to estimate the error correction model as follows:


where  is change in private investment,  is change in expected real GDP ,  is change in public investment,  is change in the availability of credit,  is change in real exchange rate,  is the error correction term which is the residuals from the long-run cointegration regression, and  is an error term. The coefficient of the error correction term () is the disequilibrium error correction coefficient which denotes the long-run speed of adjustment. If the relevant regressors are cointegrated, the coefficient of the error correction term () should be negative and significantly different from zero (Enders 1995). It measures the role of disequilibrium in explaining the short-run movements in private investment. This being negative is a necessary condition for the private investment to converge to the long-run equilibrium relationship (Enders 1995).

Table 5.4 shows the error correction model of the private investment determinants. The error correction term is statistically significant in all models, signifying that the error correction model specification is valid and the acceptance of the cointegration hypothesis. The value of the error correction term .588 in Model 1 indicates that the adjustment in a particular year will be .588 of any deviation from the equilibrium (long-run relationship level). For example, if private investment is one percentage point lower (higher) than the equilibrium, private investment will increase (decrease) by .588 percentage points in the next year toward the equilibrium.

In all models, the coefficient for changes in expected real GDP as an indicator of future demand, the changes in real credit to private sector, and the changes in real exchange rate are positive and statistically significance. Thus, in the short term, these variables have a positive impact on private investment.

In Model 1 public investment crowds out private investment with statistical significance. This result is consistent with similar findings by Ikhsan and Basri (1991) and Everhart and Sumlinski (2001). A possible explanation is that changes in public investment create inflation in the short term. Increasing inflation raises the real interest rate which in turn decreases investment. Other reasons for the crowding out effect are the existence of inefficiency in public investment which made poor quality public investment, and the existence of state-owned enterprises which discourage the private sector to enter into a certain industry.

The residuals of the error correction model also pass the diagnostic test of serial correlation, heteroskedasticity and normality (Table 5.5). The Breusch-Godfrey serial correlation the LM test show that LM statistic (observation times R-squared) cannot reject the null hypothesis of no serial correlation. The White heteroskedasticity test show that the statistic (observation times R-squared) cannot reject the null hypothesis of no heteroskedasticity. The Jarque-Bera statistic for testing normality shows that the residuals are normally distributed.

Table 5.4 Determinants of Private Investment: Error Correction Model
Dependent Variable: ΔReal Private Investment
Independent Variables:
Δ expected real GDP
ΔReal public investment
ΔLagged real public investment
ΔTwice-lagged real public investment
ΔReal credit to private sector
ΔReal exchange rate
Error correction term
Adjusted R2
-          Figures in parentheses are t-statistics
-          *** 1% significance level. ** 5% significance level. * 10% significance level.
-          Note: The error correction model is estimated using OLS and the Cochrane-Orcutt iterative procedure (CORC) to correct any serial correlation problem.
-          All variables are expressed in natural logarithms.

Table 5.5 Residual Tests
Residual tests
(Figures in parentheses are p-value)

Model 1

Model 2

Model 3
Serial correlation LM test
4.361 (0.113)
1.819 (0.403)
0.730 (0.694)
White heteroskedasticity test
15.74 (0.110)
8.59 (0.571)
12.12 (0.277)
0.973 (0.615)
0.803 (0.669)
0.412 (0.814)

The results that contemporaneous public investment has a negative and significant impact on private investment deserve a special explanation. It seems that Indonesia faces crowding out for the additional spending of public investment. A possible explanation for this is the traditional financial crowding out argument, namely, government projects competing with private projects for limited financial resources the economy can offer.  Government projects may have a positive supply-side effect, which may in turn stimulate private investment in the end. But this effect takes time before it is felt by the private sector. In this regard, it is interesting that the estimated coefficient for lagged public investment is positive.

The existence of state-owned enterprises (SOE) which may discourage the private sector from entering into a certain industry could be another reason why public investment has a negative impact on private investment.  As of 2001, there were 162 SOEs. Of these 124 were in competitive industries such as banking, construction, plantations and trade; 12 held a monopoly from the government such as the airport service authority; and 26 were in sectors that were mixed competitive, monopolistic or had a public service-oriented market structure such as energy, transportation, and telecommunications (Prasetiantono 2004). The private sector cannot compete with SOEs because the SOEs usually obtain many privileges in economic resources from the government such as to do with raw materials, the market or financial resources (being bailed out when facing financial difficulties).

The privatization policy instituted by the government in the early 1990s is still controversial and not completely successful even today. The proponents of privatization argue that SOEs that incurred losses or lower profitability should be privatized. The opponents argue that SOEs should not be privatized because they play a strategic role as agents of development and are operated as a public service (Prasetiantono 2004). As of June 2005, only 17 SOEs have been privatized (McLeod 2005). So the effect of SOEs on the Indonesian private sector is still significant albeit they are often inefficient, unprofitable and corrupt.

Regarding the effect of corruption on public investment, a study by Tanzi and Davoodi (1997) shows that corruption reduces the productivity and the quality of public investment.  According to Everhart and Sumlinski (2001), the crowding out effect of public investment is more influential when corruption exists because corruption raise the level of public investment but lower the quality of public investment, and based on their empirical result; the low quality of public investment has a negative impact on private investment. The sources of the problems such as road congestion and electric power loss are usually the poor quality of public investment which reduces the productivity of the private sector and increases the costs of the private sector.

It is no surprise that the poor quality of public investment is caused by corruption. Corruption in Indonesia is still widespread. Many international organizations rank Indonesia as one of the most corrupt countries in the world. For example, Transparency International ranked Indonesia at 137th in corruption perceptions index 2005 with score only 2.2 (10 = highly clean, 0 = highly corrupt) (Transparency International 2006). According to the late Indonesian prominent economist Professor Sumitro Djoyohadikusumo, 30 percent of the state budget was lost annually because of corruption (The Jakarta Post, January 27, 2003).

Even though public investment crowd out private investment contemporaneously, and their lagged values generally have positive effects on private investment. One can argue that any public investment tends to have crowding out effects during the same period because of financial crowding out, but after the public facilities are completed and start to provide services, they encourage private sector investment. For example, public investment in roads, power, or transportation may reduce the cost of production and thereby encourage the private sector to invest after the construction is finished. Then, the contemporaneous effect may be low or even negative, but over time, the positive effect of public investment may emerge.

A possible reason for the unexpected and statistically insignificant, sign of coefficients for twice-lagged public investment is likely to be the small sample size. Box, Jenkins, and Reinsel (1994) recommend 50 and preferably 100 observations or more to be used for model building. This study uses only 37 observations, which may weaken the significance of its estimations.

The estimated coefficient for the error correction term is negative and highly significant in all models, verifying the existence of a stable long-run relationship between private investment and the explanatory variables. A negative coefficient means that when there is a discrepancy between actual and long-run relationship, there is an adjustment toward the long-run equilibrium in later periods to eliminate this discrepancy. If the private investment is higher (lower) than that of the long-run equilibrium level, the error correction term will adjust it back to the equilibrium. The absolute values of the error correction term for all models are high, greater than .50, meaning that the adjustment is fast. For example, in Model (1) that includes the current public investment variable, around 59% of any deviation from the long run equilibrium is adjusted in one year. For Model 3 which incorporates twice-lagged public investment, the adjustment is 68% in one year.

1. Conclusions
Investment is important for economic growth and poverty reduction. Together with eradicating corruption and reducing poverty, increasing private sector investment is top priority among the government’s policy objectives. So it is important for policy makers to understand how private investment responds to changes in policies. Using the flexible accelerator model as a framework for analyzing the variables that systematically affect private investment, this study considered the roles of certain government policy instruments such as public investment, as well as those of exchange rate and the availability of credit to the private sector.

The econometric approach addressed the problem of spurious regression by testing the variables for stationarity. The Engle-Granger cointegration test was used to determine the long-term relationship between variables. Lastly, this study estimated an error correction model to capture the short-run dynamics of private investment.

The Augmented Dickey-Fuller and the Phillips-Perron tests for unit roots indicated that all the variables were integrated of order one, I(1). The Augmented Dickey-Fuller tests on residuals of the level regressions suggested the rejection of a unit root in the residuals. Finally, the coefficient for the error correction terms is statistically significance and in the correct sign, implying that error correction toward the long-run equilibrium is indeed taking place.

The results obtained from the error correction model showed that current public investment had a negative and significant effect on private investment during the 1970-2006 periods. However, when public investment was lagged one period it showed a positive and significant impact on private investment. Only lagged public investment result confirmed the importance of physical capital for private investment. There are three possible reasons for the above results. First, the quality of public investment may be poor, perhaps due to corruption. Second, the dominance in certain sectors of state-owned enterprises may be discouraging private sector investment. Finally, the small sample can be the cause of low significance.

The expected output variable which represents the accelerator effect, and credit to private sector and the real exchange rate as control variables, showed a positive and significant effect on private investment.

2. Limitations and Further Studies
The series for the public investment was not disaggregated into infrastructure and noninfrastructure, health and education. Ideally, data on similar spending should be disaggregated. It is expected that if disaggregated data was used, the regression would produce a better result. So it is recommended to use disaggregated data in the future studies.

Another limitation is that the number of observations is relatively small. This study used annual data 1970-2006. Even though this is quite long time span, the data points provides only 37 observations, less than the 50 suggested by Box, Jenkins, and Reinsel (1994). Because obtaining annual data for 50 years is very difficult, future studies should use higher frequency data such as quarterly data.

3. Policy Recommendations
Based on the results from Part 5, we make the following policy recommendations which are not limited to the variables that determine private investment but also include relevant factors that affect the behavior of private investment in Indonesia:

1.      Government should be concerned with not only the level of public expenditure but also its composition. For example government expenditure should be focused on infrastructure, education and health. Unproductive expenditures such as fuel and electricity subsidies should be reduced gradually. Reducing the subsidies cannot be achieved without strong political will from the government.

2.      If the crowding out effect of the public investment is due to the poor quality of spending, the government should intensify its efforts to minimize the cause of the poor quality. Politically intervention in the procurement process of public spending should be prevented. The government should also avoid initiating white elephant projects which may be politically appealing but are not based on feasibility studies under cost and benefit analysis. The corruption eradication effort should also be intensified as corruption reduces the productivity and quality of public investment.

3.      To minimize the crowding out effect from state-owned enterprises, government should promote privatization in a transparent way. The privatization process in Indonesia tends to create controversy and faces many obstacles from the management, the employees, local governments, and public. In order to reduce controversy and obstacles, there must be transparency in the privatization process and government commitment to resolve any problems that may arise during and after privatization. For example, during privatization process government should accommodate the interests of the management, employees, local governments and public. After privatization, government should develop credible regulations, so that public still has access to the services at reasonable price.

4.      The empirical results show that increasing bank credit is associated with higher private investment. Thus, easy and adequate access to credit is crucial for the development of the private sector.


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[1] The data limitations in developing countries include the investment data in gross terms, no published capital stock series, and no appropriate measures of return on investment (Ramirez (1994) and Ghura-Goodwin (2000)).
[2] In order to get the real value, the nominal value is deflated by CPI (2000 = 100), except for real GDP in which nominal GDP is deflated by the GDP deflator (2000 = 100) and gross fixed capital formation is already in 2000 constant prices from the Central Statistic Agency.

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